St. Nektarios was born in Silyvria of Thrace in October 1, 1846 and gave up his soul to the Lord in November 8, 1920 at an Athens hospital. His baptismal name was Anastasios; the name Nektarios was given to him when he was ordained a deacon.
In 1886, after the completion of his studies, he returns to Alexandria of Egypt where he is ordained Archpriest of the Metropolis of Pentapolis. His philanthropic deeds, the love of his flock and his saintly manners that begin to manifest themselves give rise to jealousy and slander.
As a result, he is expelled from Alexandria; an unjust act that caused him great suffering. He arrives in Athens where he is treated with distrust while new tribulations, sorrows and afflictions start to invade his life.
However, nothing can extinguish the fire that his burning heart has for love towards Jesus Christ and towards his fellow-men.
During the last years of his life he established the convent in Aegina, where he was also entombed. Thus, his exemplary life left an unfading mark in the twentieth century; that of humility, perseverance, wise silence and hope. In other words the mark of SAINTLINESS.
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